Are you aware of your water usage? Are you really doing all you can to conserve water, our most precious resource? Here are some simple ways you may not have thought of and some facts about the amount ...
Switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs doesn't just benefit the planet. It will also benefit you personally. Compact fluorescent light bulbs last a lot longer than regular bulbs, and they burn m ...
This low impact woodland home in Wales is the cream of the crop. The woodland home was built entirely of natural materials, and best of all - only took 4 months and $5000 to complete.The design is ing ...
Mountain Dew is the answer.Inventor Paul Patone has devised a mechanism that converts soda into actual usable fuel."It's called the Geet Sytstem. Basically, it's a fuel booster system that can connect ...
Most DIY freaks do-it-themselves because they love it. Because they're curious, creative, and like to take the long road (or figure out an ingenious short cut). In the case of Chewang Norphel (aka the ...
No more alkaline batteries. No more NiCad's. No NiMH's. No Lithium. Forget all of those hazardous chemical reactions in the batteries and think eco-friendly. Professor David Edwards did.Edward's group ...
Dig this.40% of the energy consumed in your home is from appliances that are allegedly 'off'.That cellular power supply charger...that 'sleeping' computer...that appliance that has a remote control. A ...
Going green has never been so hardcore as Jack Mountain's bushcraft podcast.This is basically a 10 minute poo tutorial. Fortunately for us, Jack's "deposit" is simulated, and we are spared seeing the ...
Those old cell phone and laptop batteries staring you in the eye? Don't worry, recycling them is easy.Step 1: Collect your leftover batteriesCollect all your leftover batteries. Rechargeable batteries ...